Monday 31 October 2016

Let's Start From the Very Beginning

Hello everybody!

I'm not an experienced blogger and this is my first blog that isn't Tumblr, so bear with me and I'll try not to completely fuck it up! My name is Saz and I am a 27 year old theatre enthusiast, trainee children's nurse, avid reader and singer, excellent procrastinator and the owner of a mini zoo a.k.a 2 rabbits and a bitey kitten. I am also on the asexual spectrum and a lesbian *gasp*. Well I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian, but you never know; the might man might come along (cue thousands of exasperated lesbian sighs from around the globe,) and suffer from a lovely thing called Borderline Personality Disorder (but more about that later.)

Currently at this stage in my life I am in my final year of studying, terrified of qualifying (who wants to put me in charge of tiny humans!) and living with one of my best friends and our host of animals in a flat in West London complete with; angry landlady underneath, mold and lack of working heating, all for a modest £1300 a month. I one day dream of having my own flat but think it highly unlikely given the prices in London at the moment and my inability to ever be able to pay off the mortgage (hell, even get a mortgage) and my mountain of student debt. I work full time hours at my placement and then work part time at a sushi restaurant to earn money to actually be able to eat and am part of an LGBT choir.

Pretty much that means I average about 6 hours of sleep a night and only have Saturdays off; the joys. Currently I am single after conveniently being dumped 2 days after my then girlfriend got into choir without even running joining by me first. What's worse is I have to see her every Sunday and refrain from tripping her up every time she walks past me and endure her trying to steal my friends and be the centre of attention. Constantly. I avoid this by silently screaming inside and scowling disdainfully at her when she's not watching.

This blog doesn't really have a fixed topic but will talk about asexuality, coping with BPD and how both are affecting my continued flailing in the dating world as well as things I enjoy in general life as well as pictures of cats. Probably a lot of pictures of cats. Here's one to get you started:

This is Agamemnon (don't ask) and we call her Mimi. She is 3/4 Bengal and a little furry nightmare. I do also have a Tumblr if anyone is interested where I post endless pictures of fictional lesbians, more cats and a host of shady memes:

I've come to the end of this first post (hopefully some of you might be interested and carry on reading in future and some of you will have already stopped reading after a few sentences.) The first few entries will be going back over my dating life and talking about the realization that I was both gay and an asexual.

Look after yourselves, especially for you BPDers who are struggling and if anyone tries to put you down including that little voice in your head just remember you are not alone even if your mind is making you think you are. Not today Satan!

Take care and speak to you next time,

Saz x